Main programming for analysis.
Supplemental software for analysis
Supplemental software for quick viewer
Main programming for models
Fundamental knowledge
Fundalemtal knowledge
Supplemental software for analysis
Fundalemtal knowledge
Outstanding publication for the paper Detected Climatic Change in Global Distribution of Tropical Cyclones, published in 2020 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Plenary Talk: "Detected Climate Change in Global Distribution of Tropical Cyclones" [Lecture PDF]
Blackboard Lecture: "Attribution Methodologies Applied to Tropical Cyclones" [Lecture PDF] [Handout PDF]
Tutorial Lecture: "Detecting Anomalous Precipitation Events Using a Deep Learning Autoencoder" [Lecture PDF] [Jupyter Notebook]
-> Princeton University
-> Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong
-> Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware
-> Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
-> Assistant Professor at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology
-> Associate Professor at Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
-> Ph D. student at the Princeton University